Learn Git and GitHub in 15 Minutes

By Yevgeniy Brikman · · 15 min read
Published in Fundamentals of DevOps and Software Delivery

Learn Git and GitHub in 15 Minutes

A version control system (VCS) is a tool that allows you to store source code, share it with your team, integrate your work together, and track changes over time. A VCS is a central part of every modern software delivery process, and yet, I still frequently come across developers who don’t know how or why to use version control. If you’re one of these developers, it’s nothing to be ashamed of, and you’ll find that if you take a small amount of time to learn it now, it’s one of those skills that will benefit you for years to come. This tutorial will teach you the basics of how to use two of the most popular version control tools available today, Git and GitHub, through a series of hands-on exercises that take about 15 minutes.

Here’s what this tutorial will cover:

Let’s get started by learning the basics of version control.

Version control primer

Have you ever written an essay in Microsoft Word? Maybe you start with a file called essay.doc, but then you realize you need to do some pretty major changes, so you create essay-v2.doc; then you decide to remove some big pieces, but you don’t want to lose them, so you put those in essay-backup.doc, and move the remaining work to essay-v3.doc; maybe you work on the essay with your friend Anna, so you email her a copy, and she starts making edits; at some point, she emails you back the doc with her updates, which you then manually combine with the work you’ve been doing, and save that under the new name essay-v4-anna-edit.doc; you keep emailing back and forth, and you keep renaming the file, until minutes before the deadline, you finally submit a file called something like essay-final-no-really-definitely-final-revision3-v58.doc.

Believe it or not, what you’re doing is essentially version control. You could represent it with the following diagram:

Visualizing your process with Word documents as version control

You start with essay.doc, and after some major edits, you commit your changes to a new revision called essay-v2.doc. Then, you realize that you need to break off in a new direction, so you could say that you’ve created a new branch from you original work, and in that new branch, you commit another new revision called essay-v3.doc. When you email Anna essay-v3.doc, and she starts her work, you could say that she’s working in yet another branch. When she emails you back, you manually merge the work in your branch and her branch together to create essay-v4-anna-edit.doc.

What you’ve just seen is the essence of version control: commits, branches, and merges. Admittedly, manually emailing and renaming Word docs isn’t a very good version control system, but it is version control!

A better solution would be to use a first-class VCS, which can perform these operations more effectively. The basic idea with a VCS is as follows:

Learning about all these terms and concepts is useful, but really, the best way to understand version control is to try it out, as in the next section.

A Crash Course on Git

There have been many version control systems developed over the years, including CVS, Subversion, Perforce, and Mercurial, but these days, the most popular, by far, is Git. According to the 2022 StackOverflow Developer Survey, 93% of developers use Git (96% if you look solely at professional developers). So if you’re going to learn one VCS, it should be Git.

Git basics

If you don’t have it already installed, follow these docs to install Git on your computer. Next, let Git know your name and email:

$ git config --global user.name "<YOUR NAME>"
$ git config --global user.email "<YOUR EMAIL>"

Create a new, empty folder on your computer just for experimenting with Git. For example, you could create a folder called git-practice within the system temp folder:

$ mkdir /tmp/git-practice
$ cd git-practice

Within the git-practice folder, write some text to a file called example.txt:

$ echo 'Hello, World!' > example.txt

It would be nice to have some version control for this file. With Git, that’s easy. You can turn any folder into a Git repo by running git init:

$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/git-practice/.git/

The contents of your folder should now look something like this:

$ tree -aL 1
├── .git
└── example.txt

You should see your original example.txt file, plus a new .git folder. This .git folder is where Git will record all the information about your branches, commits, revisions, and so on.

At any time, you can run the git status command to see the status of your repo:

$ git status
On branch main

No commits yet

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

The status command is something you’ll run often, as it gives you several useful pieces of information: what branch you’re on (main is the default branch when you create a new Git repo); any commits you’ve made; and any changes that haven’t been committed yet. To commit your changes, you first need to add the file(s) you want to commit to the staging area using git add:

$ git add example.txt

Try running git status one more time:

$ git status
On branch main

No commits yet

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
	new file:   example.txt

Now you can see that example.txt is in the staging area, ready to be committed. To commit the changes, use the git commit command, passing in a description of the commit via the -m flag:

$ git commit -m "Initial commit"

Git is now storing example.txt in its commit log. You can see this by running git log:

$ git log
commit 7a536b3367981b5c86f22a27c94557412f3d915a (HEAD -> main)
Author: Yevgeniy Brikman
Date:   Sat Apr 20 16:01:28 2024 -0400

    Initial commit

For each commit in the log, you’ll see the commit ID, author, date, and commit message. Take special note of the commit ID: each commit has a different ID that you can use to uniquely identify that commit, and many Git commands take a commit ID as an argument. Under the hood, a commit ID is calculated by taking the SHA-1 hash of the contents of the commit, all the commit metadata (author, date, and so on), and the ID of the previous commit. Commit IDs are 40 characters long, but most git commands allow you to specify just the first few characters, so long as the substring is unique to one commit. That means you can sometimes use as few as the first 4 characters, though its more common to use the first 7 characters, as that’s usually enough to uniquely identify commits in all but the largest repos.

Let’s make another commit. First, make a change to example.txt:

$ echo 'New line of text' >> example.txt

This adds a second line of text to example.txt. Run git status once again:

$ git status
On branch main
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
	modified:   example.txt

Now Git is telling you that it sees changes locally, but these changes have not been added to the staging area. To see what these changes are, run git diff:

$ git diff
diff --git a/example.txt b/example.txt
index 8ab686e..3cee8ec 100644
--- a/example.txt
+++ b/example.txt
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
 Hello, World!
+New line of text

You should use git diff frequently to check what changes you’ve made before committing them. If the changes look good, use git add to stage the changes and git commit to commit them:

$ git add example.txt
$ git commit -m "Add another line to example.txt"

Now, try git log again, adding the --oneline flag to get more concise output:

$ git log --oneline
02897ae (HEAD -> main) Add another line to example.txt
0da69c2 Initial commit

Now you can see both of your commits, including their commit messages. This commit log is very powerful:

So far, all of your commits have been on the default branch (main), but in real-world usage, you typically use multiple branches, which is the focus of the next section.

Git branching and merging

Let’s practice creating and merging Git branches. To create a new branch and switch to it, use the git switch command with the -c flag:

$ git switch -c testing
Switched to a new branch 'testing'

To see if it worked, you can use git status, as always:

$ git status
On branch testing
nothing to commit, working tree clean

You can also use the git branch command at any time to see what branches are available and which one you’re on:

$  git branch
* testing

Any changes you commit now will go into the testing branch. To try this out, modify example.txt once again:

$ echo 'Third line of text' >> example.txt

Next, stage and commit your changes:

$ git add example.txt
$ git commit -m "Added a 3rd line to example.txt"

If you use git log, you’ll see your three commits:

$ git log --oneline
5b1a597 (HEAD -> testing) Added a 3rd line to example.txt
02897ae (main) Add another line to example.txt
0da69c2 Initial commit

But that third commit is only in the testing branch. This is visible in a subtle way in the git log output (note how main is only up to the second commit, whereas testing is on the third), but if you want to see it more clearly, run git switch to switch back to the main branch:

$ git switch main
Switched to branch 'main'

Check the contents of example.txt: it’ll have only two lines. And if you run git log, it’ll have only two commits. So each branch gives you a copy of all the files in the repo, and you can modify them in that branch, in isolation, as much as you want, without affecting any other branches.

Of course, working forever in isolation doesn’t usually make sense. You eventually will want to merge your work back together. One way to do that with Git is to run git merge to merge the contents of the testing branch into the main branch:

$ git merge testing
Updating c4ff96d..c85c2bf
 example.txt | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

You can see that Git was able to merge all the changes automatically, as there were no conflicts between the main and testing branches. If you now look at example.txt, it will have three lines in it, and if you run git log, you’ll see three commits.

Now that you know how to run Git locally, on your own computer, you’ve already learned something useful. If nothing else, you now have a way to store revisions of your work that’s more effective than essay-v2.doc, essay-v3.doc, etc. But to see the full power of Git, you’ll want to use it with other developers, which is the focus of the next section.

A Crash Course on GitHub

Git is a distributed VCS, which means that every team member can have a full copy of the repository, and do commits, merges, and branches, completely locally. However, the most common way to use Git is to pick one copy of the repository as the central repository that will act as your source of truth. This central repo is the one everyone will initially get their code from, and as you make changes, you always push them back to this central repo.

The typical way to run such as a central repo is to use a hosting service. These not only host Git repos for you, but they also provide a number of other useful features, such as web UIs, user management, development workflows, issue tracking, security tools, and so on. The most popular hosting services for Git are GitHub, GitLab, and BitBucket. Of these, GitHub is the most popular by far.

In fact, you could argue that GitHub is what made Git popular. GitHub provided a great experience for hosting repos and collaborating with team members, and it has become the de facto home for most open source projects. So if you wanted to use or participate in open source, you often had to learn to use Git, and before you knew it, Git and GitHub were the dominant players in the market. Therefore, it’s a good idea to learn to use not only Git, but GitHub as well.

Push your code to GitHub

Let’s push the example code you’ve worked on in this tutorial to GitHub. Go into the folder where you have your Git repo:

$ cd /tmp/git-practice

If you don’t have a GitHub account already, sign up for one now (it’s free), and follow the authenticating on the command line documentation to learn to authenticate to GitHub from your terminal.

Next, create a new repository in GitHub, give it a name (e.g., git-practice), make the repo private, and click “Create repository,” as shown in here:

Create a new GitHub repo

This will create a new, empty repo for you that looks something like this:

A newly created, empty GitHub repo

Copy and paste the git remote add command from that page to add a new remote, which is a Git repository hosted remotely (i.e., somewhere on the Internet):

$ git remote add origin https://github.com/<USERNAME>/<REPO>.git

The preceding command adds your GitHub repo as a remote named origin. You can name remotes whatever you want, but origin is the convention for your team’s central repo, so you’ll see that used all over the place.

Now you can use git push <REMOTE> <BRANCH> to push the code from branch <BRANCH> of your local repo to the remote named <REMOTE>. So to push your main branch to the GitHub repo you just created, you’d run the following:

$ git push origin main

If you refresh your repo in GitHub, you should now see your code there, as shown in the following image:

Your GitHub repo with code in it

Congrats, you just learned how to push your changes to a remote endpoint, which gets you halfway there with being able to collaborate with other developers. Now it’s time to learn the other half, which is how to pull changes from a remote endpoint.

Notice how GitHub prompts you to “Add a README” to your new repo. Adding documentation for your code is always a good idea, so let’s do it. Click the green Add a README button, and you’ll get a code editor in your browser where you can write the README in Markdown:

Filling in a README for the GitHub repo

Fill in a reasonable description for the repo and then click the “Commit changes…” button. GitHub will prompt you for a commit message, so fill one in just like the -m flag on the command-line, and click the “Commit changes” button. GitHub will commit the changes and then take you back to your repo, where you’ll be able to see your README:

Your GitHub repo with a README

Notice that the repo in GitHub now has a README.md, but the copy on your own computer doesn’t. To get the latest code onto your computer, run the git pull <REMOTE> <BRANCH> command, where <REMOTE> is the name of the remote to pull from, and <BRANCH> is the branch to pull:

$ git pull origin main

Git will fetch the latest changes from origin, merge them into your local copy, and show you a summary of what changed, which should include the new README.md file. Congrats, you now know how to pull changes from a remote endpoint!

Note that if you didn’t have a copy of the repo locally on your computer at all, you couldn’t just run git pull. Instead, you first need to use git clone to check out the initial copy of the repo. To try this out, move your git-practice folder to the trash. This may seem a bit scary, but one of the benefits of version control is that it backs up all your work, so don’t worry! Once the folder is in the trash, run git clone to get a fresh copy of it locally again:

$ git clone https://github.com/<USERNAME>/<REPO>

When you run git clone, Git will check out a copy of the repo <REPO> to a folder called <REPO> in your current working directory. It’ll also automatically add the repo’s URL as a remote named origin.

So now you’ve seen the basic Git workflows:

This is the basic workflow, but what you’ll find is that many teams use a slightly different workflow to push changes, as discussed in the next section.

Open a Pull Request in GitHub

A pull request (PR) (sometimes called a merge request in other platforms, such as GitLab) is a request to merge one branch into another; in effect, you’re requesting that someone else runs git pull on your repo/branch. GitHub popularized the PR workflow as the de facto way to make changes to open source repos, and these days, many companies use PRs to make changes to private repos as well. The pull request process is as follows:

Let’s give it a shot. Create a new branch called update-readme in your repo:

$ git switch -c update-readme

Make a change to the README.md file. For example, add a URL to the end of the file. Run git diff to see what your changes look like:

$ git diff
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index fe36da2..4a1a513 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
 # Git practice

 A repo for learning Git and GitHub.

If the changes look good, add and commit them:

$ git add README.md
$ git commit -m "Add URL to README"

Next, push your update-readme branch to the remote repo:

$ git push origin update-readme

You should see output that looks something like this:

remote: Create a pull request for 'update-readme' on GitHub by visiting:
remote:      https://github.com/<USERNAME>/<REPO>/pull/new/update-readme

GitHub conveniently shows you a URL for creating a pull request (you can also create PRs by going to the Pull Requests tab of your repo in a web browser and clicking the New Pull Request button). Open that URL in your web browser, and you should see a page where you can fill in a title and description for the PR. You can also scroll down on that page to see the changes between your branch and main, which should be the same ones you saw when running git diff. If those changes look OK, click the “Create pull request” button, and you’ll end up on the GitHub PR UI:

An open pull request in GitHub

You and all your team members can use this PR page to see the code changes (try clicking the “Files changed” tab to get a view similar to git diff), discuss the changes, request reviewers, request changes, and so on. All of this discussion gets stored in GitHub, so if later on, you’re trying to debug an issue or figure out why some code is the way it is, these PR pages serve as a great source of history and context. As you’ll see in Chapter 5 of Fundamentals of DevOps and Software Delivery, this is also the place where a lot of the CI / CD integration will happen. If the PR looks good, click “Merge pull request,” and then “Confirm merge,” to merge the changes in.


Congrats! You’ve now learned the basics of how to use Git and GitHub. This is just enough to get you started and minimally productive. To go further, here are a few exercises you can try at home to get your hands dirty:

To learn how to integrate version control into your software delivery process, check out Fundamentals of DevOps and Software Delivery!